The final days of this holiday season are quickly approaching and the stress of getting everything done is probably building for all of us.

Take a deep breath – we have expert tips from Bridget Lohrius, the founder of Sandwina – a career coaching platform for women in the workplace.
Bridget is hearing from many of her clients that they are more burnt out than ever. Women are overworked, underpaid and undervalued. And while this holiday season can be a time of celebration and relaxation, for many women the holidays create yet another to-do list that sparks anxiety and exhaustion.
To protect the joy of the season, Bridget suggests these tips:

Make That List

Yes, it takes time, but it saves more time, and you can break this step into substeps. Step 1 might be listing the people you want to shop for. Step 2 might be brainstorming ideas for each person. Step 3 might be finalizing gift selections. Step 4 might be buying! By breaking this process down into manageable moments, we can ward off overwhelm.

Ask Away

Just ask people what they want! Not every single gift needs to be a custom-made, bespoke gasp-inducer. Nor do we need to torment ourselves if gifting isn’t our jam. Some people appreciate getting something they’ve been longing for, but would never buy for themselves. Just ask and save yourself some time and energy.

Use Technology

Find tools that make shopping easier and allow you to feel confident about what you’re buying. Tools like Softly, which allows you to search for gifts based on their social and environmental values. Have a niece who wants to save the planet? Softly helps you find eco-friendly ideas that will make her happy AND reflect her principles.

Visualize the Joy

Ah, the power of visualization. A concept often used in coaching, this technique allows us to focus on the end game, the positive impact that giving has on others. Mom probably doesn’t care what you give her, she feels loved because you thought of her. Close your eyes and create the scene for yourself, the paper being torn, the giggles, the warmth. It helps.

How are your holiday preparations going?

If you need more ideas, check out our list of Last Minute, SWAPS! that are certified to be:
– Environmentally Friendly
– Cruelty Free
– Free of Harmful Ingredients
– Free of Allergens, or
– Socially Just
Don’t forget – using Softly will help YOU shop more carefully this holiday season!

Lively Root

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Every gift cleans the Planet Earth: A part of Tinggly profit goes to sustainable projects. With the help of our partners, one Tinggly gift not only produces, plants, and protects up to 40 trees in Kenya, Madagascar, Haiti, or elsewhere, but also offsets 200% of CO2 emissions produced during the chosen experience. On top of that, all Tinggly gift boxes are made of 100% recycled materials and are eco-friendly.

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For the person who has everything, consider donating to a charity!

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The Softly Survey

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